Definitions During Pandemic Times

Definitions During Pandemic Times

What Meaning: When You... Explanation/Action
Self-Monitor • Monitor yourself for 14 days for symptoms • Avoid crowded places and increase your personal space from others whenever possible. • Have NO symptoms AND… • May have been exposed to a virus through travel OR • In close contact with older adults or high risk individuals. • You are healthy but you were possibly exposed so you want to keep tabs on your own health. • If you develop symptoms, isolate yourself from others immediately and contact your public health authority ASAP.
Self-Isolate • Stay at home • Monitor yourself for symptoms, even if mild, for 14 days • Avoid Contact with others. • Have no symptoms AND… • May have been exposed to the virus either by travel or close contact with someone who has the virus. • This goes hand in hand with self-monitor. You are healthy but there is a risk you may have been exposed so you are isolating to protect others. • If you develop symptoms, even mild, stay home and avoid contact with other people.
Isolate • Stay at home until the local Public Health Authority says you are no longer at risk of spreading the virus • Avoid contact with others. • Have symptoms, even mild OR • Been diagnosed with the virus OR • Waiting for lab test results • You basically have a virus or awaiting confirmation. You must isolate to protect others. • If your symptoms get worse, immediately contact your healthcare provider or the Public Health Authority and follow their instructions.
Social Distancing • Avoiding non-essential gatherings • Avoid hand shakes • Avoid crowded places (concerts, arenas, conference, pubs, movies, theatres) • Limit contact with people at a higher risk like the elderly or those in poor health. • Keep a distance of at least 3’ from others. • Are healthy. • Not showing any signs or symptoms of the virus. • You are basically healthy but it’s always possible that you have the virus and don’t know. • That’s the purpose of social distancing: to avoid accidental spread of the virus.